Application of hypochlorous acid in animal woundsHypochlorous acid or HOCL is an all-natural antimicrobial that helps to soothe skin irritations and rapidly heal wounds,scrapes,cuts,and burns,hypochlorous acid is an all-natural antimicrobial agent that is produced by mammals' white blood cells to
2023/07/19 14:05
On June 7, XX customer in the United States purchased our SHINE hypochlorous acid generator, model: SHC-1000S, used for food processing, cleaning, preservation and other links, the customer is the electrolytic water equipment industry experts, after multi-party talks, technical exchanges, video
2023/06/14 15:33
Fruit is a natural nutritional food,containing a variety of nutrients needed by human life,slightly acidic hypochlorous acid with low concentration of high activity,sterilization broad spectrum,fast action,sterilization rate as high as 99.99% and other characteristics,no by-products after action,no
2023/05/18 14:15
On May 16,2023,the indonesian customer had a video conference with our foreign trade manager regarding our pure water machine and hypochlorous generator equipment.In the meeting,the customer made corresponing questions on the pure water machine and hypochlorous acid gennerator, our foregin trade
2023/05/17 14:21
A large number of pathogens, such as Vibrio cholerae,hemolytic streptococcus,Escherichia coli,Mycobacterium tuberculosis,hepatitis virus(A,E),HIV virus,etc.can be detected 24 hours after the wet garbage is piled up, Among them,there are airbrone infectious pathogens,as well as contact transmitted
2023/05/11 13:50
Excessive bacteria is one of the main factors affecting food safety, almost all enterprises will take strict control measures, customized standardized process and disinfection system. There are several traditional disinfection methods in general ultraviolet light sterilizationHas a strong
2023/05/06 14:34
Aquatic products are prone to spoilage and deterioration, and microbial pollution is one of the main factors leading to spoilage and deterioration of aquatic products. Microorganisms exist in every link of aquatic products processing. Aquatic products in fresh seawater are easy to carry pathogenic
2023/04/21 15:36
Water DisinfectionWater disinfection by electrochemical activation is not only more effective than conventional methods of water disinfection, but it is less expensive and environmentally friendly.The conventional methods, which have seen extensive use over the last 100 years, include chlorine gas
2021/12/15 18:16
Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water (HCLO) is an ideal antimicrobial for fish and seafood processors. Proper sanitation of the food processing environment is paramount to keeping the initial microbial load to a minimum. HCLO can control microbial load and has the added benefits of being non-toxic, non-
2021/12/15 18:16
Hypochlorous acid disinfectant can thoroughly disinfect gymsElectrolyzed Oxidizing Water (HCLO) is an ideal antimicrobial for gyms because it is safe, all-natural, and effective. HCLO does not cause skin or respirtory irritation and satisfies the demand for implementing safer and more natural
2021/12/15 18:16
Sleepless during the holiday, the day has broken, and I got up and opened the window to ventilate, and a heat wave came with the wind. Only then did I know that the hot summer has come. This season of enthusiasm is always full of charming colors, a bit deep but also With romance!But "life is
2021/12/15 18:16
Is hypochlorous acid effective in killing bacteria and viruses?Hypochloric acid is very effective in inactivating bacteria. A study conducted in the 1940s investigated the changes of inactivation levels of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi and Shigella with time (
2022/03/31 18:16