Q: What are the kill times with Hypochlorous acid generator?A: Disinfectant contact times are critical. Many chemical disinfectants require between 2 to 5 minutes to be effective, and the surface must remain wet for the contact time stated. Many alcohol-based disinfectants evaporate prior to the
2022/02/21 14:25
Hypochlorous Acid Liquid can be used as a sanitizer to eliminate bacteria and viruses that lurk on surfaces frequently touched by multiple people. More frequent cleaning and disinfection may be required based on level of use. For example, certain surfaces and objects in public spaces, such as
2022/02/19 09:55
HCLO can be applied via foggers and misters in the produce department to maintain sanitation of fruits and vegetables. HCLO will control spoilage organisms and will prolong shelf-life. HCLO will also help control the spread of microbial pathogens from customers handling the produce. HOCL can be
2022/02/19 08:52
Hypochlorous Acid Water Generator is used in supermarketsElectrolyzed Oxidizing Water (HCLO) can be used to replace nearly all chemicals used in restaurants for sanitation. Not only can it be used for all food contact surfaces, kitchenware, and floors, but it is also safe and suitable as a an
2022/02/17 15:34
Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water (HCLO) is an ideal antimicrobial for hospitals because it is safe, all-natural, and effective. HCLO does not cause skin or respirtory irritation and satisfies the demand for implementing safer and more natural alternatives to toxic chemicals.Hypochlorous Acid Water
2022/02/16 11:11
The main germicidal factor of hypochlorous acid (HClO) in acid hypochlorous acid solution is hypochlorous acid (HCLO), which has strong oxidizing ability. When it comes into contact with microorganisms, it quickly destroys the cell membrane of harmful microorganisms, making the protein and DNA in
2022/03/31 18:16
Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water is an on-site generated eco-friendly sanitizer that can replace all chemicals used for cleaning and sanitizing hotel rooms, common areas, floors, and bathrooms.Hypochlorous Acid Water Generator for HotelBeing that hypochlorous acid is stable in solution, it can be
2022/02/14 16:44
Sanitized ice can be generated with HCLO. Sanitized ice can be used in the transport and storage of seafood to maintain freshness. Sanitize ice made with electrolyzed water (hypochlorous acid) halts the growth of microbial organisms.When cleaning and sanitizing contact surfaces, tools, equipment or
2022/02/14 16:18
Direct Sanitation of Fish & SeafoodWhen fish are filleted, deboned, packaged and frozen, before distribution, exposure of the fish to water constitutes one of the critical steps that must be optimally controlled in order to prevent the introduction of pathogens. The water used in the processing
2022/02/14 16:05
Hypochlorous acid for disinfection in pig farmsElectrolyzed Oxidizing Water (HCLO) is safe on animals and effective at reducing colony counts of microorganisms when swine are kept in close quarters. Controlling E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria contamination needs to begin at the farm. Appropriate
2022/02/12 10:35
Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water (HCLO) is safe on animals and effective at reducing colony counts of microorganisms when animals are kept in close quarters. Research has demonstrated a link between cross-contamination in the hatchery and contaminated carcasses during processing. Proper sanitation of
2022/02/12 09:35
HCLO can be used to clean and sanitize all eating areas, tables, and bars. It can also replace all chemical glass cleaners.A common route for bacteria entering the kitchen from the outside is through the soles of shoes. Stepping into HCLO prior to entering the kitchen can decrease the introduction
2022/02/11 11:22