Application of hypochlorous acid generator in garbage station

2023/05/11 13:50

A large number of pathogens, such as Vibrio cholerae,hemolytic streptococcus,Escherichia coli,Mycobacterium tuberculosis,hepatitis virus(A,E),HIV virus,etc.can be detected 24 hours after the wet garbage is piled up, Among them,there are airbrone infectious pathogens,as well as contact transmitted infectious pathogens,especially in garbage stations and dumping points, Transfer station,transfer vehicle garbage is not sealed package,smelly,wet garbage under high temperature conditions,very conducive to microbial profiferation,wet garbage leftovers,kitchen waste,peel, in addition to very easy to rot, rot,produce unbearable odor,but also particularly easy to breed mosquitoes,flies,etc.,The combined action of animals will aggravate the stink of domestic waste corruption process

Hypochlorous acid generator

Hypochlorous acid (HCLO) has a strong oxidation ability,which can damage cell membranes after contact with microorganisms,making proteins,RNA and DNA in cells unable to play their normal biochemical activities,rapidly destroying the cell membranes of harmful microorganisms,resulting in microbial death to achieve bactericidal effect, The recommended concentration of bactericidal acid:10-120PPM,can eliminate spores,viruses,fungi,bacterria,sterilization effect is better than 75% alcohol and 84 disinfectant(sodium hypochlorite)

Hypochlorous acid water through high pressure pump atomizing aerosol,evenly diffuse in the air,quickly capture the air odor factor,and with the odor factor decomposition,REDOX reaction,the odor factor degradation into water and other low taste or tasteless substance, green and pollution-free,the reaction equation is as follows


Ammonia gas is one of the common odor molecules .Hypochlorous acid can reat with ammonia REDOX reaction,At the same time , hypochlorous acid can also react with some sulfur compounds or formaldehyde compounds

Hypochlorous acid genetor

The hypochlorous acid water passes through the high-pressure micro mist nozzle to form a micro aerosol,which is connected through the hydrophilic end of the gas phase interface to form a deodorant film.The swimming air film captures the odor in  diffusion,wraps the odor factor in it, abosorbs and decomposes the odor factor in the floating air film,converts it into harmless substances, and settles on the ground