Application of hypochlorous acid generator in agricultural production

2022/12/02 15:46

Hypochlorous acid electrolytic water is widely used in logistics, hospitals, food processing, catering, animal husbandry, agriculture and so on

In the processing of agricultural products and fruit and vegetable picking processing, can be used for fruit and vegetable cleaning sterilization, and can be used for raw food, fruit and vegetable disinfection sterilization and preservation

Hypochlorous acid application scenario

In agricultural planting, it can be used for disinfection and sterilization of seedlings and cleaning and sterilization of crops. Both fields and greenhouses can be sprayed directly on crops and soil to inhibit the occurrence of diseases and pests and reduce the amount of crops. When used, it is not affected by the weather, and it does not need to spray pesticides as protective measures.

Since hypochlorous acid sterilization is not toxic, it will not affect the pollination of bees when they fly to eat pollen