Dark Blue Sponsored School Sanitization with Hypochlorous Acid Generator

2022/03/31 10:34

"Smart Epidemic Prevention" helps primary schools carry out smart epidemic prevention based on people


COVID-19 prevention and control requires the support of science and technology. In the spring of this year, the epidemic situation in Shandong was tense, and the mobility of people in various places increased. The Joint prevention and control mechanism of The State Council encouraged all regions to promote the automatic verification of "three codes" (health code, travel code and vaccination certificate) by using id cards. Under the normal situation of epidemic prevention and control, our company resolutely implemented the deployment requirements of the Central Government, the Autonomous Region and Nanning City, adhered to precise prevention and control, strict first-line, solid second-line and strong all-line, coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development around the "1+3" key work requirements of the Municipal Party Committee, and firmly guarded the bottom line of security and stability. "Take the lead in innovation research and development in the use of" wisdom epidemic disease prevention and control integrated management platform, to a higher political stance, bear greater responsibility, more strict control measures, more solid work style, to carry out the "rebound against input, inside outside" overall prevention and control strategy, determined to keep the outbreak outside the gates, to create a good environment for students to learn.

Science and technology enable precise measures to make epidemic prevention more precise

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, our company has applied the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other technical means into equipment research and development, improving the precision level of fighting the epidemic.

Since March 2022, we have provided intelligent epidemic prevention and control services to many primary schools, and received feedback and high praise from the senior management of primary schools. We will also, as always, elaborate products for the public to make a contribution.

In order to strengthen campus epidemic prevention and control, some primary schools have used smart epidemic prevention equipment. Next, the smart disinfection service plan will be put into full use in schools under the jurisdiction of Jinan city to ensure campus safety and stability.

On March 13th, 2022, Shandong Shenghuai Bio-engineering Co., Ltd. and Shandong Dark Blue Data Technology Co., Ltd., as caring enterprises, undertook an all-round, professional and thorough disinfection of the campus, and carried out all-round disinfection and sterilization of the campus buildings in Jinan Yanshan Primary School.This time, instead of the traditional "84 disinfectant", the school used "slightly acidic hypochlorous acid water", which is more environmentally friendly and safe for human body. This disinfectant is not only more efficient in sterilization, but also can be used for air sterilization at the same time, thus completely ensuring the comprehensive cleaning and sterilization effect of indoor ground surface, object surface and air.

School Sanitization Generator

Hocl Generator