The effect of hypochlorous acid water on animals

2021/12/15 18:16

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water (HCLO) is safe on animals and effective at reducing colony counts of microorganisms when cattle are kept in close quarters. Controlling E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria contamination needs to begin at the farm. Appropriate cleaning and disinfection procedures are critical to breaking fecal-oral transmission cycles of microbial pathogens that contaminate housing, feeding, and equipment. HCLO is electrolytically generated hypochlorous acid which is recognized by the FDA and USDA and a safe and suitable antimicrobial on meat. Hypochlorous acid is a powerful oxidant that is stable in solution and can be applied to living environments of cattle in many different ways. Being that it is eco-friendly and safe on animals, HCLO can be distributed broadly using sprinklers, misters, or foggers. It can be applied using pressure sprayers to sanitize equipment and hard surfaces.

Hypochlorous Acid Generator

Hypochlorous acid water Generator for animals