How does hypochlorous acid disinfect the campus?

2022/02/09 10:17

The campus is a mobile distribution center that is susceptible to a variety of infectious diseases. Students and teachers come to the campus from different places every day. The immune function of students is not strong, and the ability to resist various germs is weak. Once infection occurs, it is easy to spread and spread. It will soon spread to the family and society.

Hocl generators in for campus

At this time, hypochlorous acid should be used correctly for disinfection. Its fast, safe and efficient anti-virus and sterilization performance can be used for sterilization and disinfection in a short time. Its low concentration has strong bactericidal power, which is very suitable for children to use, safe, mild and non-irritating.

In the education room: keep ventilation three times a day for twenty to thirty minutes each time. Every day before class, during lunch break and after school, use hypochlorous acid for air atomization and disinfection to atomize confined spaces such as classrooms, gymnasiums, libraries, etc. for 30 minutes, which can effectively remove bacteria and viruses in the air, reduce aerosols in the air, and prevent air pollution. spread in.

Before eating food, after going to the toilet, and after touching respiratory secretions (such as after sneezing): wash hands immediately, and use the hypochlorous acid you carry with you for timely disinfection.

For school desks, chairs, cabinets: the desks, chairs, cabinets, etc. used by students, spray with hypochlorous acid to dry or wipe naturally before use in class, and wipe at least once a day to avoid bacterial contamination.

How does hypochlorous acid disinfect the campus?.jpg

For surface cleaning and disinfection, such as: school entertainment facilities, toys and tableware sterilization, teachers and students' clothing, hand sterilization, etc., spraying or rinsing can effectively kill various types of bacteria.

At the same time, hypochlorous acid also has the properties of removing food spoilage odor, toilet odor, pet odor, and irritating sour odor. It can be used in school garbage pools, toilets and other places in time to effectively purify the air.