Hypochlorous acid is used for fruit and vegetable preservation

2023/05/18 14:15

Fruit is a natural nutritional food,containing a variety of nutrients needed by human life,slightly acidic hypochlorous acid with low concentration of high activity,sterilization broad spectrum,fast action,sterilization rate as high as 99.99% and other characteristics,no by-products after action,no residue,no pollution,harmless to human health,even if the wrong drinking will not have a special impact,so widely used in fruit preservation

Hypochlorous acid genetor

Our country is the country with the largest planted area of fruit,but fruit production there are strong seasonal,regional and other reasons,so fruit is very easy to rot,mold,deterioration and so on,if we don't use reasonable way to keep fruit fresh,fruit will greatly lose the nutrition of fruit,affecting the mouth feel,

The main causes of fruit and vegetable spoilage include microorganisms,plant physiology and chemical corruption,corruption caused by microorganisms is usually manifested as mildew,rancidity,fermentation,softening,expansion discoloration,fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrition,easy to breed microorganisms,the main microorganisms are bacteria,mold and yeast,the main principle of fruit spoilage is caused by respiration,The respiration of fruits and vegetables will lead to the decline of fruit and vegetable quality,and then deteriorate,In addition, the respiration of fruits and vegetables will also produce ethylene gas,which lead to the yellowing,softening ,corruption and deterioration of fruits and vegetables,Chemical deterioration is caused by the chemical reaction between the internal components of fruits and vegetables and oxygen,water and other substances,resulting in fruit and vegetable deterioration ,flavor and so no

Hypochlorous acid genetor

Slightly acidic hypochlorous acid water has a significant effect on the preservation application of fruit and vegetable products,Slightly acidic hypochlorous acid water is a preservative and preservative agent of soaking type,which achieves the purpose of preservative and preservation by soaking, sparaying and other means,Slightly acidic hypochlorous acid water can kill or control pathogenic microorganisms on the surface or inside of fruits and vegetables,and regulate the respiratory metabolism of fruits and vegetables after picking