Hypochlorous Acid Liquid can be used as a sanitizer

2022/02/19 09:55

Hypochlorous Acid Liquid can be used as a sanitizer to eliminate bacteria and viruses that lurk on surfaces frequently touched by multiple people. More frequent cleaning and disinfection may be required based on level of use. For example, certain surfaces and objects in public spaces, such as shopping carts and point of sale keypads, should be cleaned and disinfected before each use. Hypochlorous Acid Liquid also eliminates biofilm in the water pipes and build-up in cooling towers used in most large commercial and residential buildings, industrial power generation units, and chemical, petrochemical and petroleum industries to reject waste heat to the environment.

Hypochlorous Acid Liquid can be used as a sanitizer.jpg

Hypochlorous Acid Liquid can be used as a sanitizer

Hypochlorous Acid Liquid can be used to disinfect water used in in livestock feeding operations, which in turn reduces mortality rates, enhances feed conversion and improves overall productivity. Hypochlorous Acid Liquid has also been employed in misters for environmental disinfection in livestock buildings as well as disinfection of milking systems and other equipment that is sensitive to microbial contamination.