Hypochlorous acid-safe deodorant water

2021/12/15 18:16

Sleepless during the holiday, the day has broken, and I got up and opened the window to ventilate, and a heat wave came with the wind. Only then did I know that the hot summer has come. This season of enthusiasm is always full of charming colors, a bit deep but also With romance!

But "life is unsatisfactory, nine out of ten." No matter how beautiful things are, they also have their drawbacks. The breeze blows and the trash can not far away that has not been cleaned in time brings an unspeakable stench, and the beauty is broken in an instant. ...

As summer approaches, as the temperature rises, some microorganisms are also breeding, such as:

The peculiar smell of kitchen garbage at home...

After a day of running, the unique smell in the shoes...

There are also the smells and bacteria left by the cute pets who do not know where they are rolling, and the thoughts of reaching out to embrace them are also in these smells, and the clouds have dispersed.

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There are also many kinds of common malodorous substances in life, and the existence of these odors, especially for people who are more sensitive to smell, may be even more unbearable! If you want to get rid of these odors and keep the air fresh, I believe it has become something people can’t wait to wait. At this time, you might as well try using hypochlorous acid water to deodorize!

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