Indonesian customer video factory inspection and signed orders on site

2023/05/17 14:21

On May 16,2023,the indonesian customer had a video conference with our foreign trade manager regarding our pure water machine and hypochlorous generator equipment.

In the meeting,the customer made corresponing questions on the pure water machine and hypochlorous acid gennerator, our foregin trade customer manager gave relatively professional answers to the questions raised by the customer. The customer said that he planned to purchase equipment to make and remove the venom for medical disinfection,and the water quality was very high, and the hypochlorous acid generator also needed good quality,Our foreign trade manager gives customers opinions on the application scenarios,and introduces the production process and manufacturing process of our equipment to customers in detail

Hhypochlorous acid generator

After the meeting, the customer was very satisfied with our pure water machine and hypochlorous acid generator equipment,and gave a high evaluation of the service of our foreign trade manager. the customer signed a contract with the equipment on the spot,and said that the would like to establissh a long-term cooperative relationship with us,and praised the quality of our products and the service of our foreign trade customer manager