Mexico customer video factory inspection

2022/09/30 16:38

   Due to the Volatility of the epidemic, may countries have no way to travel and do business in China, so they can only learn about our products through videos. In order to establish the transaction and trust between each other, Recently Mexican customers from the internet to know our shine hypochlorous acid generator. And he is very interested in our hypochlorous acid generator. through conversation,

we know that the customer wants to find a hypochlorous acid generator manufacturer, and at the same time, he wants to expand the Mexican market through the hypochlorous acid generator produced by Chinese hypochlorous acid generator manufacturer. So I saw that our machines, appearance and function are different from other manufacturers, so I came to us and wanted to cooperate with us deeply. I want to know more about our company and our factory. So we let customers see the strength of our factory through the ZOOM meeting. And our production process.

Hypochlorous acid application scenario

In the video, the Mexican customer asked a lot of questions about our machine technology, and our engineer answered them one by one, and demonstrated to the customer how the machine works. At the same time, we also introduced to customers that the highest concentration of our machine can reach 1000PPM, the highest flow can reach more than 5T, and can also be customized according to customer requirements. In the video, the customer was very satisfied with our answer and gave a good comment, saying that he had great confidence in our future cooperation.

Shenghuai hypochlorous acid generator independent research and development production of hypochlorous acid generator, product quality to export quality. At the same time the products are sold to more than 20 countries around the world, and received a lot of customer praise. Now for the national sincere recruitment agent, support policy is good, preferential strength, welcome to join our colleagues to expand the market. For information, call 400-846-6484