Hypochlorous acid can spray the surface of vegetable fruits and vegetables

2022/02/19 08:52

HCLO can be applied via foggers and misters in the produce department to maintain sanitation of fruits and vegetables. HCLO will control spoilage organisms and will prolong shelf-life. HCLO will also help control the spread of microbial pathogens from customers handling the produce. HOCL can be generated by Hypochlrous acid generator can be kept in spray bottles at the checkout counter for routine sanitation to prevent cross contamination from meat, poutlry, and spills .

Hocl Disinfection equipment

Hypochlorous Acid Disinfection equipment

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water can be used to clean and sanitize food contact surfaces. Electrolytically generated hypochlorous acid is highly effective against Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Listeria, Staphylococcus, and MRSA. To learn more please visit our research page and search by microbe.