The use of hypochlorous acid generators in hotel kitchens and restaurant ingredients

2022/04/26 14:34

With the outbreak of the epidemic, hotel personnel in and out of frequent, easy to carry a large number of bacteria,if the room is not well ventilated, easy to breeding bacteria and odor, the  hotel uses traditional fragrance products or air freshener,can only temporarily cover the smell,can not fundamentally solve the problem,and does not have sterilization effect; hotel kitchen and  restaurant ingredients,tableware cleaning is not in place,easy to lead to cross infection,decoration materials,carpets and other easy to release formaldehyde and other harmful substances. traditional disinfection solutions do not solve these problems well,and are not safe for the human body and facilities ,and cannot be used for a long time 

Hypochlorous generator for hotel

the advantage about hypochlorous acid disinfection
